… In America, globally, massive data breaches happen daily. How invaluable would it be to have an insider’s perspective of the machinations of the underground world of identity fraud. This is an in-depth story detailing the experiences and cold realities related to the whereabouts and capture of one of the most notorious and accomplished identity thieves ever. The events documented in the book have occurred – and are continuing to occur right under our noses. Governments, sophisticated law enforcement agencies, powerful security departments and protection services along with high-tech detection equipment, around the globe have unsuccessfully attempted to clamp down on identity fraud. One man holds the key to the door they’ve been trying to unlock, and in his book, he shares his secrets. America, and all Nations, meet your Villain, Mr. Averie Bod’e!

Mr. Averie Bode
As he wrote his story while incarcerated, Averie Bod’e skillfully envisioned past interactions as a notorious identity thief across the nation. In spite all his wrongs, he knew one day soon it had to become a story the world would want to know.
“Into The Wrong Hands,” based on true events, is a look back from one villains past , something the world had ever seen. In this never before untold story lies details of the unknown. Today’s health pandemic ends with a identity Epidemic.